
Friday, December 30, 2011

Setting up Maximo doclinks/global directory in Unix based Clustered instance running on WAS

In a clustered Maximo instances, both doclinks and global directory should be accessible from all the servers.
Golbal directory should be accessible from all servers so that users can administer in the integration from any app servers else the error message can be viewed if you logged on that particular server where the message is read either using cron task or mdb (message driven bean).
Following are steps that needs to be followed in doing the setup ready:
1. Identify the system where you want to store attachment and integration related files(global dir). Normally it is advised to put this in SAN storage or place where there enough space available as these file system will keep on increasing with product usage.
2. Once the file system/directory is identified export the file system to make it available over network.
      i) Add an entry to /etc/exports file with file system name and access details for which system u want the access to be given( eg /DOCLINKS -access=
      ii) Use exportfs -a command to export the file system to be available over the network.
      iii) Start nfsd services by running (startsrc -s nfsd and startsrc -s mountd) command
3. mount these file systems in all the systems where ui appserver are running
      mount nfs $servername:/DOCLINKS /d1 (file system name be used as per customer preferance)
4. Now these mounted file system can be used as if it is file system on the same server
5. Edit the httd.conf point the DocumentRoot to the newly mounted file system.
6. Edit the doclink properties from system properties applications as per guide line given in system administration guide.
7. Once complete doclink set up is done to avoid doclinks to be accessible as directory using http server, copy the content under the /HTTPServer/htdocs/en_US to all sub directories or doclinks directory.

/usr/sbin/mknfsexp -d '/doclinks' -t rw -B -r ""
exportfs -a
/usr/sbin/mknfsmnt -f '/DOCLINKS' -d '/doclinks' -h "" '-n' '-B' '-A' -t 'rw' -w 'bg' '-Y' '-Z' '-X' '-H' '-j' '-q' '-g'

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