
Friday, March 30, 2012

Some important to note System Properties

UI Session Limitation
Below 2 properties can used to show Error 503 when maximum number sessions defined by design is exceed.

SCCD Home Button
mxe.webclient.homeButtonHeaders -- Navigator: Moves Goto menu to left of the screen and adds Start Center button to the header

Email Listener
mxe.lsnr.validateperson -- Flag to indicate person need to be validated in Email Listener or not

Fetch Limit Properties
mxe.db.fetchResultStopLimit-- Default fetch stop limit for the objects.
mxe.db.fetchStopExclusion -- A comma seperated list of objects that are excluded from fetch stop check.
mxe.db.fetchStopLimitEnabled -- Enable the fetch limit hard stop when the fetch count is over the limit

Integration Properties -- Integration Web Application URL -- verify web app url -- Integration Global Directory

Doclinks Properties
mxe.doclink.doctypes.defpath -- Default path for doclinks
mxe.doclink.doctypes.topLevelPaths -- Valid top level paths for doclinks
mxe.doclink.doctypes.allowedFileExtensions -- Allowd file extensions
mxe.doclink.path01 -- Path 01 for doclinks -- /DOCLINKS/ProductionDocs=http://localhost/

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

How to show custom dialog in workflow process

There are cases while working with workflows we need to show some custom dialogs box which will have some dynamic values based on some conditions.

To achieve this following steps needs to be followed.

  1. If the dialog box that you want does not exist out of box then create a new dialog box with a unique dialog id having attributes retrieving values the way you want. 
  2. Create sigoption and maxmenu entry with the same name as the unique id that you used for dialog box.
  3. Now use this maxmenu id in the action attribute of the interaction node for the workflow when you want to the dialog box.

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Maximo Variable and Constants

Below are list of few variables and constants that can be used in building expression for ur where clause.

:&date& -- Current date
:&datetime& -- Current date/time
:&username& -- Logged in user ( eg :ownerid=:&user&)
:&personid& -- Person ID of the logged in user ( eg :supervisor!=:&personid&)
:&appname& -- Application name 
:&mboname& -- Name of the current MBO
:&ownername& -- Name of the owner MBO ( eg :&owner&.po.$old_description like '%Turbin%')
&SYSDATE& -- For current time stamp
!NOT READY! -- To get the default value for the synonym from the synonym domain associated for the current attribute.

~null~ for null value searching in any resultsets

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Maximo login auto-complete is not disabled


When logging in to Maximo, the username/password auto-completes

Resolving the problem

1. Modify the login.jsp file and add autocomplete="off" to the input lines pointed by the arrow below. Login.jsp is usually located
at <MAXIMO_Root>\applications\maximo\maximouiweb\webmodule\webclient\login\ directory:
2. Save the modified file.
3. Stop the MXServer
4. Rebuild maximo ear (make a backup of the existing maximo ear before rebuilding)
5. Deploy the new maximo ear
6. Start the MXServer
7. Clear the browser cache.

The auto-complete will be disabled. You will have to type in the username/password every time logging in to Maximo.

How to clean a JMS queue messages

Till Maximo 7116 there was no way to clear the JMS from Maximo front end. So to clear the message for either using WebSphere console
Buses > intjms > Bus members > Messaging engines > [YOURJMSBUS] > Queue points > [YOURJMSQUEUE] > Messages 

or using DeleteQueue command from <Maximo>\tools\maximo\j2eeclient\deletequeue.cmd  as detailed in View/DeleteQueue

After Maximo7116 you can use external system application select action Add/Modify Queues option and use the buttons View Queue Data or Delete Queue Data

Changing Application Listings within the Go To


Can applications be changed within the Listing of the Go To?


The MAXMENU table builds the listing and order of the Go To. To change the order/what applications appears within the Go To – run the following query:
select * from MAXMENU where MENUTYPE = 'MODULE' and visible = '1' order by position, subposition

The result of this query will show how the Go To menu is built.

In the following example, the Conditional Expression Manager will be moved from the Administration module to the Platform Configuration module:

1) To change a position of a Go To reference, you need to specify the MODULEAPP (what listing the application will appear in), the POSITION (numeric reference to the grouping of the application) and a unique SUBPOSITION value (in what order and where the application reference will appear).

Run the following query to gather the needed information in regards to the Conditional Expression Manager reference:

select moduleapp, position, subposition, keyvalue from MAXMENU where MODULEAPP = 'SETUP' and KEYVALUE = 'CONDEXPMGR'

The following will be the result:

Run the following query to gather the needed information in regards to the Platform Configuration 'layout':

select moduleapp, position, subposition, keyvalue from MAXMENU where MODULEAPP = 'UTIL'
order by position, subposition

The following will be the result:

From the results above, the MODULEAPP needs to be referenced as 'UTIL' and the POSITION (group) needs to be '11130' and the SUBPOSITION needs to be a unique value and based off the order of where the application will appear.

2) Run the following UPDATE statement to move the Conditional Expression Manager from the Administration module to the Platform Configuration application, in the very 1st position:

where keyvalue = 'CONDEXPMGR'

set POSITION = '11130'
where keyvalue = 'CONDEXPMGR' and MODULEAPP = 'UTIL'

where keyvalue = 'CONDEXPMGR' and MODULEAPP = 'UTIL'


Run the following select statement to see the results:

select moduleapp, position, subposition, keyvalue from MAXMENU
order by position, subposition

Restart the Application Server

3) Log In to Maximo – Navigate to the System Configuration – Platform Configuration:

IBM Support Link 

Monday, March 12, 2012

Maximo Performance Tuning and Best Practices

 Below is the IBM link for STE

password : tiv0li (0 Zero inplace of o)

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Error: Required Field Process wonum is Blank

When saving a workorder , get error: "Required Field Process work order is Blank"


This error can happen if an index is missing / not unique, and refreshing index via database configuration application will change the primarykeycolseq value during Data Migration or Database Upgrade.

Resolving the problem
Run the query below to determine the problem:
select attributename, primarykeycolseq from maxattributecfg where objectname = 'WORKORDER' and attributename = 'WONUM'
If the output returns NULL for primarykeycolseq then run the update statement below to fix the problem:
update maxattributecfg set primarykeycolseq = 2 where objectname =
'WORKORDER' and attributename = 'WONUM'
update maxattribute set primarykeycolseq = 2 where objectname =
'WORKORDER' and attributename = 'WONUM'
Restart the Application Server for the change to take effect.

You should be able to save any workflow process after fixing the primarykeycolseq